Digital4Security: Europe's new cybersecurity Master’s programme
Dublin, 25 February 2024
Professor Georges Ataya, Academic Director at Solvay Lifelong Learning, founder of the Executive Master in Cybersecurity Management, and a senior partner at Ataya & Partners, is proud to be a partner in Digital4Security, a pioneering new European cybersecurity Master's programme funded by the European Union.
Overview of the Digital4Security Programme
Launched in October 2023, Digital4Security is a €20 million EU-funded project awarded under the DIGITAL Europe programme dedicated to equipping European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with comprehensive knowledge in cybersecurity management, regulatory compliance, and technical skills.
With a Consortium comprising 35 partners from 14 EU countries, this significant international commitment and collaboration highlights the need for a greater collective response to the biggest challenge facing the digital space. As such, Digital4Security aims to protect economic prosperity and support long-term competitiveness and growth all over Europe by continuously adapting and evolving to counter current and emerging cybersecurity risks.
Programme Objectives and Impact
The programme offers a unique blend of academic accreditation and industry certification, ensuring graduates are equipped with the most relevant and up-to-date knowledge and skills. Digital4Security will re-skill and up-skill graduates, professionals, managers, and business leaders, empowering them to enhance their cybersecurity infrastructure and incident prevention and management procedures. Graduates will fill high-demand roles outlined in ENISA's European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF), contributing significantly to the security and success of European businesses.
The Executive Master in Cybersecurity Management, as operated at Solvay Lifelong Learning through a licence from Professor Ataya and Ataya & Partners, has already adopted ENISA's European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF). It is also aligned and offers its participants the full use of, an innovative tool for assessing one’s own cyber-skills and for developing a career promotion and skills improvement plan.

Professor Ataya's Contribution
Professor Ataya commented: “We are proud to build various modules of the future Digital4Security Master on the bases of the existing Executive that is operated by Solvay Lifelong Learning and Ataya & Partners. After more than 20 years of Information Security education at Solvay Lifelong Learning, we have adapted our curriculum to European roles and to business requirements. More than 640 participants have graduated from our Digital Governance and Trust education.” (
Professor Ataya has already developed the specification for three modules including the following: “Cybersecurity Culture and Leadership”, “Cybersecurity Auditing”, and “The CISO and Crisis Communication”. Other modules are developed by various members of the consortium, including major European universities. The project is led by Professor Ciprian Dobre from the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica of Bucharest.