Brussels, 26 August 2024
Five distinguished partners formed a multidisciplinary team as part of the COcyber consortium. This network, including the ULB University, launched the 2-year project aiming at enhancing the exchange, coordination, and collaboration between the cybersecurity civilian and defence spheres.
Professor Georges Ataya from Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management and Ataya & Partners directs a series of deliverables in collaboration with a team of five full and part-time researchers.
Key Partners of the COcyber Consortium
The partners who shall play a vital role in enhancing collaboration between the civilian and defence spheres in cybersecurity are the following:
- Université libre de Bruxelles—Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management facilitates the exchange of knowledge and best practices, focusing on cooperation, case studies, and areas for improvement.
- European Organisation for Security (EOS) fosters collaboration, building a strong community.
- The Lisbon Council develops and maintains the upcoming COcyber platform, the hub of knowledge sharing.
- AUSTRALO maximises COcyber's impact through effective communication strategies, managing channels and engaging stakeholders.
- EIT Digital leads the overall management and coordination.
Objectives and Impact of the COcyber Project
The COcyber project shall facilitate the two-way exchange of know-how, best practices, and information by:
- Establishing a robust framework for structured knowledge transfer and support.
- Creating a trusted and participatory information-sharing online platform, including a cybersecurity observatory for all stakeholders.
- Organising high-impact activities and events involving both communities, with a focus on cybersecurity, innovation, dual-use technologies, governance, and stakeholder coordination and engagement.
- Co-defining policy recommendations for harmonisation of actions at the Member State and European level.
The ULB team, with Ataya & Partners, has already launched three tasks aiming at producing the groundwork, identifying the needs, building the requirements for a cybersecurity observatory, and documenting successful cooperation cases around Europe.

Funding and Future Directions
The project is funded by the European Union and is conducted under the direction of the European Cybersecurity Competences Centre.