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Download our initial assessment brochure

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With our assessment, you will receive precise deliverables that will help you understand where you stand and what needs to be done to make your company compliant to GDPR. Here’s what you can expect:


Brochure Cover
  • GDPR Dashboard: Visual overview of your GDPR posture, highlighting key areas.
  • GDPR Roadmap: Detailed action plan to comply with GDPR.
  • Gap Analysis: Assessment of GDPR gaps against the directive, with improvement insights.
  • Control Analysis: Review of security controls for effectiveness and compliance with standards.
  • Data Protection Governance Directive: Guidance to improve your Data Protection governance for better management and oversight.


Completing the form and downloading the brochure will provide additional information on how our assessment service can tailor solutions to meet your specific business needs, regardless of your company size. Our experts are ready to guide you through the process of identifying and mitigating cybersecurity risks, setting you on the path to a more secure operational landscape.
